Name: "Arquio" (2 siblings)
Age: 2 1/2 Years Old
Weight: --
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis w/ Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Father's Occupation: Carpenter
Mother's Occupation: Housewife
November 22, 2008
If you look at the perscription below, her anti-bacterial medicines are very expensive. I thought that it would be best that they first talk to their doctor and ask their doctor for a substitute medicine that is equally effective but not too expensive. We know that once you are taking an anti-bacterial medication, that you should take it daily without skipping a dose for a period of time. Anyway, we got him a Kidz Kit for Pulmonary Tuberculosis because he has it as well.

November 26, 2008
I doubled check the medication chart to see how long will the Cefepine antibiotic worth P2,378.00 last. The doctor ordered 495 mg every 12 hours. That means that 1 bottle of Cefipine will only last for 1 day. They have been in the hospital for a month and they havent gone to look for sponsors for their child. I asked them why havent you done so. Anyway, I told them to ask for help from ABS-CBN, bombo radio because YOUgive alone cannot support them because of how expensive her child's medicine.

I only bought the other antibiotic for the meantime.
December 2, 2008
Doctor told them to maintain the antibiotics. We are just maintaining the 2 antibiotics.
Medications provided:
6 Stafcil (Oxacillin) ---- P690.00
6 Amikacin ------------ P144.00
2 Paracetamol ampule -- P30.00
December 5, 2008Medicines bought for the patients are:
5 Oxacillin -----------P500.00
10 Amikacin --------- P240.00
1 Pedia Sure Milk ---- P189.85
2 Diphenhyramide ----P230.00
1 D5NM --------------P95.00
Nebule ---------------P470.00
December 9, 2008
Pedia Sure ---------------- P 189.85
5 Diphyhydriamine --------P 575.00
10 Salbutamol -------------P110.00
Kids Cath ------------------P70.00
3 Oxacillin -----------------P300.00
1 D5MB ------------------- P93.00
Mask ----------------------P 40.00
Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here
November 26, 2008
>>Medication ---- P690.00
>>ABG ---------- P400.00
December 2, 2008
>>Medication --- P864
December 5, 2008
>>Medications ---P1724.85
December 9, 2008
>>Medications ---P1,377.85
Running Balance: P5,053.70