
Welcome to our website! Thank you for visiting us.

YOUgive Charity was founded in November 2008 with the vision to share God's gifts through medical support for the under-privileged sick children in the Philippines. The YOUgive Charity, ensures that 100% of your gifts go to help sick children in the pediatric wards!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and so is Christmas and New Year. These are all happy events and we should be thankful to the Lord that he brought us here in the US of A. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to be here BUT have you ever thought why?

My favorite saying is "Not a single leaf falls, unless it's the will of GOD". He programs everything. For years i have been thinking and praying and asking the LORD what my purpose in life is esp my stay in America. After hearing stories from practising Nurses that some patients at the Prov. Hospital undergo surgery without anesthesia because they don't have the money.

I focused on that and wanted to start a charity work there. I needed a reliable partner in Bacolod to carry out this project and everyone seems so busy trying to make ends meet. Sometime last week my son just got up and went to the Provincial Hospital to have a quick peek and what he saw is quite devastating. He chose the Pediatrics ward and there was a teen couple from E.B. Magalona whose 6 months old baby was almost dying because the mother didn't have the money to buy oxygen. The nurse was using an ambu bag but the mother was telling her not to resuscitate the baby since she doesn't have the money to buy medicines anyway. She as saying good bye to the baby and it was really heart breaking. Before he left, the baby died. For starters he was able to help 4 patients like Baby Jaypee and Rica Lou with $100.00.

In his website you will see all these patients and he even took the time to go buy the medicines in a different drugstore, just to stretch the dollar a little bit. For a little over P500.00 (Pesos) he was able to buy 6 months worth of medicine for a child with tuberculosis. That child has now checked out.

I hope what you see and read in this website will touch you and .. yes... we are asking for a donation of any kind.. even a dollar will do.

He has assigned someone to make the blog so that we are all updated. You can either reveal your name and he will assign a patient to you so that you can monitor his or her progress or you can use a code name. For example NYNY -- your $20 donation went to Baby James and he has meningitis. There's even a medical explanation as to what meningitis is.

So, have fun and I know that WE are special because the LORD has touched our hearts!! Remember, by just forgoing a Mcdo sandwich today -- you can already save a life.


"Vanessa" - 9 Years Old w/ Tuberculosis  

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Name: "Vanessa"
Age: 9 Years Old
Weight: -
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Tuberculosis

December 9, 2008
We bought medicines for tuberculosis. Again, we were not able to really go into the isolation room because we need an N95 mask which is the standard mask when dealing with PTB patient. We dont want to risk ourselves getting infected.

Rifampicin, Izoniazid, Pyranizamide -------------- P136.90

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"Joemarie" - 12 Years Old w/ Tuberculosis with Severe Infection  

Name: "Joemarie"
Age: 12 Years Old
Weight: -
Sex: Male
Diagnosis: Tuberculosis w/ Severe Infection

December 9, 2008
We were not able to interview the patient because they were in an isolation room. I needed an N95 mask inorder for me to not get infected.

1 Rifampicin ------------ P80.00
1 Isoniazid ---------------P16.90
1 Pyrazinamide ----------P 40.00


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"Rudian" - 9 months old w/ Pneumonia , Meningitis  

Name: "Rudian"
Age: 9 months Old
Weight: -
Sex: Male
Diagnosis: Pneumonia w/ Bacterial Meningitis

December 5, 2008
Patient was admitted November 29, 2008. Mother have no money and not a single medicine ordered by the doctor was bought.

5 Paracetamol ----------- P75.00
5 Salbutamol ------------ P55.00
1 Mannitol ---------------P185.00
4 Rannitidine ------------ P40.00
5 Ceftariaxone -------------P350.00

December 9, 2008

Medicine Provided:
G 22 --------------------P70.00
Hep Lock ---------------P30.00
10 Salbutamol ----------P110.00
4 Ceftariaxone ---------P180.00
3 Paracetamol ----------P45.00

Subtotal: P435.00

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"Denver" - 9 Years Old w/ Baterial Meningitis  

Name: "Denver" 2 siblings
Age: 9 Years Old
Weight: -
Father's Occupation: Paints Cars
Mother's Occupation: Separated
Address: Binalbagan
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis w/ Hydrocephalus

December 5, 2008
This poor child had a mild stroke. He had a left side weakness or paresthesia and drooping of one side of the lips. Folks was still waiting for the results of the CT Scan.

Medicine Provided:
Paracetamol Liquid ------ P100.00
1 Bottle of Cefixime ------P225.00

December 9, 2008
Father decided to take his son out of the hospital. Father wants to consult a Quack Doctor instead.

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"Richard" - 15 Years Old w/ Tetanus, Stage 2  

Friday, December 5, 2008

Name: "Richard" Youngest of 5 siblings
Age: 15 Years Old
Father: Deceased
Mother's Occupation: Jobless
Diagnosis: Tetanus, Stage 2
Admitted: December 1, 2008

December 2, 2008
Needed Human tetanus immunoglobulin (HTIG). Family only have enough money to buy 250 mg of the immunoglobulin and 1000 mg was needed.

Medicines Provided:
3 packs of HTIG ------ P2,430.00
10 Benzul ------------ P60.00
O2 & Other Medicines P700.00

December 5, 2008
Medicines provided:
5 paracetamol Amplule ------ P75.00
1 Diazepam ------------------P200.00
Ultra sinc --------------------P600.00
Misc -------------------------P 500.00


December 9, 2008
We were told that the patient was doing really good the previous days. The patient was also on NPO, meaning that the he should not be fed nor even drink water because of the danger of being aspirated. What happen was the mother fed her child because she said that the child was complaining of being hungry. Few minutes pass after the mother fed the child, the child died. Possible cause is aspiration.


Dec. 2, 2008
>Medicines ----- P3,190.00

Dec. 5, 2008
>Medicines ------P1,375.00

TOTAL: P4,565.00

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What is Bacterial Meningitis?  

Friday, November 21, 2008

What is bacterial meningitis?
Meningitis is an infection of the fluid in the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Meningitis is usually caused by an infection with a virus or a bacterium. Knowing whether meningitis is caused by a virus or a bacterium is important because of differences in the seriousness of the illness and the treatment needed.

VIRAL MENINGITIS is usually relatively mild. It clears up within a week or two without specific treatment. Viral meningitis is also called aseptic meningitis.

BACTERIAL MENINGITIS is much more serious. It can cause severe disease that can result in brain damage and even death.

Where is bacterial meningitis found?
Bacterial meningitis is found worldwide. The bacteria often live harmlessly in a person's mouth and throat. In rare instances, however, they can break through the body's immune defenses and travel to the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. There they begin to multiply quickly. Soon, the thin membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord (meninges) becomes swollen and inflamed, leading to the classic symptoms of meningitis.

How do people get bacterial meningitis?
The bacteria are spread by direct close contact with the discharges from the nose or throat of an infected person. Fortunately, none of the bacteria that cause meningitis are very contagious, and they are not spread by casual contact or by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been.

What are the signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis?
In persons over age 2, common symptoms are high fever, headache, and stiff neck. These symptoms can develop over several hours, or they may take 1 to 2 days. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, confusion, and sleepiness. In advanced disease, bruises develop under the skin and spread quickly.
In newborns and infants, the typical symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness may be hard to detect. Other signs in babies might be inactivity, irritability, vomiting, and poor feeding.
As the disease progresses, patients of any age can have seizures.

Who is at risk for bacterial meningitis?
Anyone can get bacterial meningitis, but it is most common in infants and children. People who have had close or prolonged contact with a patient with meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis or Hib can also be at increased risk. This includes people in the same household or day-care center, or anyone with direct contact with discharges from a meningitis patient's mouth or nose.

How is bacterial meningitis diagnosed?
The diagnosis is usually made by growing bacteria from a sample of spinal fluid. The spinal fluid is obtained by a spinal tap. A doctor inserts a needle into the lower back and removes some fluid from the spinal canal. Identification of the type of bacteria responsible for the meningitis is important for the selection of correct antibiotic treatment.

What complications can result from bacterial meningitis?
Advanced bacterial meningitis can lead to brain damage, coma, and death. Survivors can suffer long-term complications, including hearing loss, mental retardation, paralysis, and seizures.

What is the treatment for bacterial meningitis?
Early diagnosis and treatment are very important. If symptoms occur, the patient should see a doctor right away. Bacterial meningitis can be treated with a number of effective antibiotics. It is important, however, that treatment be started early.

Is bacterial meningitis an emerging infectious disease?
With the decline in Hib disease, cases of bacterial meningitis have decreased since 1986. Meningococcal meningitis is a continuing threat in day-care centers and schools. Healthy children and young adults are susceptible, and death can occur within a few hours of onset.

How can bacterial meningitis be prevented?
Vaccines -- There are vaccines against Hib, some strains of Neisseria meningitidis, and many types of Streptococcus pneumoniae.

The vaccines against Hib are very safe and highly effective. By age 6 months of age, every infant should receive at least three doses of an Hib vaccine. A fourth dose (booster) should be given to children between 12 and 18 months of age.

The vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcal vaccine) is not routinely used in civilians in the United States and is relatively ineffective in children under age 2 years. The vaccine is sometimes used to control outbreaks of some types of meningococcal meningitis in the United States. New meningococcal vaccines are under development.

The vaccine against Streptococcal pneumoniae (pneumococcal vaccine) is not effective in persons under age 2 years but is recommended for all persons over age 65 and younger persons with certain medical problems. New pneumococcal vaccines are under development.

Disease reporting -- Cases of bacterial meningitis should be reported to state or local health authorities so that they can follow and treat close contacts of patients and recognize outbreaks.

Treatment of close contacts -- People who are identified as close contacts of a person with meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis can be given antibiotics to prevent them from getting the disease. Antibiotics for contacts of a person with Hib disease are no longer recommended if all contacts 4 years of age or younger are fully vaccinated.

Travel precautions -- Although large epidemics of bacterial meningitis do not occur in the United States, some countries experience large, periodic epidemics of meningococcal disease. Overseas travelers should check to see if meningococcal vaccine is recommended for their destination. Travelers should receive the vaccine at least 1 week before departure, if possible.

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"Arelavo" - 1 Year Old w/ Pulmonary Tuberculosis & Bacterial Meningitis  

Name: "Arelavo" (Youngest of 2 siblings)
Age: 1 Year Old
Weight: --
Sex: Female
Father's Occupation: Makes rubber pots for plants
Mother's Occupation: Housewife
Diagnosis: Pulmonary Tuberculosis w/ Bacterial Meningitis

November 22, 2008
Its one thing to see the pictures we have taken but its a whole different story if you are there to witness these children. Common characteristics of meningistis is increase intracranial pressure. Their personality changes, they go into a deep sleep.

Aside from PTB & Bacterial Meningitis, she also needs a blood transfusion. The parents told me that only half of the desired amount of blood was transfuse. It was because they did not have the money to pay the hospital for donation which is only P100.00. By donating P100.00, the hospital will let you borrow blood, then in the future, all you just need to do is replace it if you have someone who has the same blood type. Anyway, I gave them the P100.00.

Again please note that these medication that we bought them are only partial medications. We will check on them this Monday November 24, 2008.

November 24, 2008
Bought enough antibiotics good for our next visit. Also gave the mother P200 to buy BONA milk. The hospital provides the NGT feeding in the afternoon and evening. The milk will be used to feed her through NGT in the morning.

November 26, 2008
Doctor prescribed two ointments for the patient's ear. We visited the patient again to buy medicine good for our next visit which is Tuesday (December 2, 2008.

December 2, 2008
Patient is ready for discharge. We bought the stuff that was needed for their discharge plan. It includes Kids Kit for Tuberculosis, some antibiotics, Ener A vitamins. We paid their bill for the blood transfusion which was P700.00. We provided them with P300.00 for their fair back to Handumanan, Bacolod City.

December 5, 2008
We did not expect to still see them. We thought they had already left the hospital. Our patient had a fever so the doctor advice them to stay for a couple of days until the fever have subsided.

December 9, 2008
Patient already are out of the hospital. We have already bought their medicines that they will continue to take at home. We have also gotten their contact number so that we can follow up.

Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here

Nov. 22, 2008
>>Medicine --- P730.00
>>Blood ------ P100.00
Nov. 24, 2008
>>Medicine --- P1,200.00

>>Milk -------- P 200.00
Nov. 26, 2008
>>Medicine --- P1,359.30
Dec. 2, 2008
>> Medicine ---P1,054.00
>> Blood --- P700.00
>> Fair ------- P300.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>>Bonna Milk -- P100.00

TOTAL: P5,743.30

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"Arquio" - 2 Years Old w/ Bacterial Meningitis  

Name: "Arquio" (2 siblings)
Age: 2 1/2 Years Old
Weight: --
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis w/ Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Father's Occupation: Carpenter
Mother's Occupation: Housewife

November 22, 2008
If you look at the perscription below, her anti-bacterial medicines are very expensive. I thought that it would be best that they first talk to their doctor and ask their doctor for a substitute medicine that is equally effective but not too expensive. We know that once you are taking an anti-bacterial medication, that you should take it daily without skipping a dose for a period of time. Anyway, we got him a Kidz Kit for Pulmonary Tuberculosis because he has it as well.

November 26, 2008
I doubled check the medication chart to see how long will the Cefepine antibiotic worth P2,378.00 last. The doctor ordered 495 mg every 12 hours. That means that 1 bottle of Cefipine will only last for 1 day. They have been in the hospital for a month and they havent gone to look for sponsors for their child. I asked them why havent you done so. Anyway, I told them to ask for help from ABS-CBN, bombo radio because YOUgive alone cannot support them because of how expensive her child's medicine.

I only bought the other antibiotic for the meantime.

December 2, 2008
Doctor told them to maintain the antibiotics. We are just maintaining the 2 antibiotics.

Medications provided:
6 Stafcil (Oxacillin) ---- P690.00
6 Amikacin ------------ P144.00
2 Paracetamol ampule -- P30.00

December 5, 2008
Medicines bought for the patients are:
5 Oxacillin -----------P500.00
10 Amikacin --------- P240.00
1 Pedia Sure Milk ---- P189.85
2 Diphenhyramide ----P230.00
1 D5NM --------------P95.00
Nebule ---------------P470.00

December 9, 2008
Pedia Sure ---------------- P 189.85
5 Diphyhydriamine --------P 575.00
10 Salbutamol -------------P110.00
Kids Cath ------------------P70.00
3 Oxacillin -----------------P300.00
1 D5MB ------------------- P93.00
Mask ----------------------P 40.00


Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here

November 26, 2008
>>Medication ---- P690.00
>>ABG ---------- P400.00

December 2, 2008
>>Medication --- P864

December 5, 2008
>>Medications ---P1724.85

December 9, 2008
>>Medications ---P1,377.85

Running Balance: P5,053.70

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"Lumawod" - 6 Years Old Pulmonary Tuberculosis w/ Bacterial Meningitis  

Name: Baby "Lumawod" (2 siblings)
Age: 6 Years Old
Sex: Male
Weight: --
Diagnosis: Pulmonary Tuberculosis w/ Bacterial Meningitis

November 22,2008
Parents are in manila. They could not come home to be with him because they had no money for the boat fare. They rather send the money to help pay for his medicine. He was left behind with his grand parents. The patient has also an ear infection. We tried to look for the ear drop but had no luck. We hope to find it next week when we visit the hospital again.

Note: that the medicine we bought him is only good for 4-5 days. He still needs more.

November 24, 2008
We found a wholesaler for the medicines that the doctors are commonly prescribing.

Below is the receipt from the wholesale. Its still RX Trade. Checkout the difference if we buy these medicine on a wholesale price. We were buying for example "Amikacin" for P75.00 per vial and now we got it for only P35.00.

December 2, 2008
Doctor ordered to continue the medication.

Medication Provided:
7 Dexamethasone ----- P224.00
8 Amikacin ----------- P192.00
3 Paracetamol -------- P45.00

December 5, 2008
Folks said that the patient is getting better. Able to communicate already when asked. Still need to continue medication

Medication Provided:
5 Oxacillin ------------ P500.00
6 Dexamethazone----- P192.00
5 Amikacin ----------- P120.00
7 Ceftacedime -------- P490.00
Solu-Set -------------- P300.00

December 9, 2008
4 Ceftazedime ---------- P280.00
5 Oxacillin -------------- P350.00
2 Paracetamol -----------P30.00
5 Dexamethasone -------P160.00


Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here

Nov. 22, 2008
> Medicine ----- P2136.00
Nov. 24, 2008
>Medicine ----- P1,900.00
Dec. 2, 2008
>Medicines ------- P491.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>Medicines --------P1,602.00

Running Balance: P6,129.00

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"Stephanie" - 7 months old Bacterial Meningitis  

Name: Baby "Stephanie"
Age: 7 month old
Sex: Female
Father's Occupation: --
Mother's Occupation: --
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis

November 22, 2008
Patient has bacterial meningitis and intubated. First born. Baby has a back ulcer due to prolonged bed rest.

The Family members has already ask help from their mayors. They also went to bombo radio, their congressman and was given but still need more financial help aid. Gave them P350.00 for the oxygen because that is what they need at the moment. They still have medicines left for the child until Monday which we will help them. The antiobiotic used for these cases are 4th generations antiobiotic, that is why it is so expensive.

November 24, 2008

Checkout how expensive her antibiotics. One vials will last for approximately 3 days. She is already on this antibiotic for 6 days.

November 26, 2008
We made sure that they have enough medicine until our next visit. Gave them P1,000.00 (P400.00-ABG Laboratory, P600.00 oxygen).

P315.00 for Amikacin (above picture) plus 3 paracetamol ampules worth P90.00.

December 2, 2008
Patient's chest tube has been taken off already. Patient is showing very good progress and is responding very well to drugs.

Medication Provided:
1 PipTaz ---------- P1,600.00
7 Furosimide ------- P54.00
7 Dexamethasone -- P224.00
7 Ranitidine -------- P70.00
10 Salbutamol ------ P150.00
2 Oxygen Tank ------P700.00

Total: -----------------P2,798.00

December 5, 2008
Patient no longer needs oxygen inhalation. Patient can tolerate. Patient has been instructed already to drink 1 oz of milk and is really doing very good. Doctor just advice the folks to continue with the medication regimen.

1 Piptaz ------------ P1600.00
6 Dexmethasone ----P192.00
10 Salbutamol ------P110.00
4 Ranitidine --------P 40.00
Dextrose -----------P300.00

December 9, 2008

Please was already released from the hospital. Was not able to even say Good bye. Anyway, we will try to track down the patient because they did not have any cellphone number that they can give us.

Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here

Nov. 22, 2008
>> Oxygen ---- P350.00

Nov. 24, 2008
>> Medicine ----P3,549.00

Nov. 26, 2008
>>Medicine ---- P405.00
>>Oxygen ----- P600.00
>>ABG -------- P400.00

Dec. 2, 2008
>>Medications-- P2,798.00

Dec. 5, 2008
>>Medications--- P2,242.00

TOTAL: P10,344.00

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"Londres" 6 month w/ UTI, Severe Dehydration & Status Post Colostomy  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Name: "Londres" (2 siblings)
Age: 6 Month Old
Sex: Male
Weight: 5 kg
Father's Occupation: Farm worker
Mother's Occupation: Housewife
Diagnosis: Urinary Tract Infection, Severe Dehydration & Status Post Colostomy

November 21, 2008
Baby "Londres" just got out the operating room. He was born without an openning in his anus. This was already his 3rd operations. The first operation was done when he was a week old.

November 22, 2008
Patient is going home tomorrow. Thank you Lord.

Medicine ------ 466.00

Total ----------P466.00

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"Angel Marie" - 1 Year Old w/ Pulmonary Tuberculosis  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Name: Baby "Angel Marie" (5 siblings)

Age: 1 Year Old
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Father's Occupation: Fisherman
Mother's Occupation: Housewife

As you can see in the receipt, all this little girl needs is a KID'S KIT worth P537.50 for PTB. That medicine will last him for 6 months. If she takes that deligently, she will no longer be contagious to others and at the same time will cure her disease.

November 21, 2008

The doctor told them that they can go home as long as she takes her daily dose of those 4 drug combinations for Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB). Patient was release from the hospital.

Medicines ------ 537.50

Total -------- P537.50

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"Slash" - 4 Years Old Patient W/ Severe Pneumonia  

Name: "Slash" (Eldest of 2 siblings)

Age: 4 Years Old
Sex: Male
Weight: 16.2 kg
Medical Diagnosis: Severe Pneumonia
Family History: Father has no job, mother working for a lending company
Hometown: Mindanao, but were assign here in bacolod. Currently they are renting in banago.

November 21, 2008
His condition is getting better and we are speculating that he might be permitted to go home in a couple of days.

November 22, 2008
Patient is finally going home tomorrow. Thank you Lord.


Medicines ------ 1350.00

Total ------ P1350.00

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