"Lumawod" - 6 Years Old Pulmonary Tuberculosis w/ Bacterial Meningitis
Friday, November 21, 2008
Name: Baby "Lumawod" (2 siblings)
Age: 6 Years Old
Sex: Male
Weight: --
Diagnosis: Pulmonary Tuberculosis w/ Bacterial Meningitis
November 22,2008
Parents are in manila. They could not come home to be with him because they had no money for the boat fare. They rather send the money to help pay for his medicine. He was left behind with his grand parents. The patient has also an ear infection. We tried to look for the ear drop but had no luck. We hope to find it next week when we visit the hospital again.
Note: that the medicine we bought him is only good for 4-5 days. He still needs more.
November 24, 2008
We found a wholesaler for the medicines that the doctors are commonly prescribing.
Below is the receipt from the wholesale. Its still RX Trade. Checkout the difference if we buy these medicine on a wholesale price. We were buying for example "Amikacin" for P75.00 per vial and now we got it for only P35.00.
December 2, 2008
Doctor ordered to continue the medication.
Medication Provided:
7 Dexamethasone ----- P224.00
8 Amikacin ----------- P192.00
3 Paracetamol -------- P45.00
December 5, 2008
Folks said that the patient is getting better. Able to communicate already when asked. Still need to continue medication
Medication Provided:
5 Oxacillin ------------ P500.00
6 Dexamethazone----- P192.00
5 Amikacin ----------- P120.00
7 Ceftacedime -------- P490.00
Solu-Set -------------- P300.00
December 9, 2008
4 Ceftazedime ---------- P280.00
5 Oxacillin -------------- P350.00
2 Paracetamol -----------P30.00
5 Dexamethasone -------P160.00
Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here
Nov. 22, 2008
> Medicine ----- P2136.00
Nov. 24, 2008
>Medicine ----- P1,900.00
Dec. 2, 2008
>Medicines ------- P491.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>Medicines --------P1,602.00
Running Balance: P6,129.00
September 24, 2009 at 12:21 PM
Hello I like this post but I need to know the name of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis and I need to know what cause the ED because I always have to take Generic Viagra but I am tired.
October 22, 2009 at 10:13 AM
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