"Stephanie" - 7 months old Bacterial Meningitis
Friday, November 21, 2008
Name: Baby "Stephanie"
Age: 7 month old
Sex: Female
Father's Occupation: --
Mother's Occupation: --
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis
November 22, 2008
Patient has bacterial meningitis and intubated. First born. Baby has a back ulcer due to prolonged bed rest.
The Family members has already ask help from their mayors. They also went to bombo radio, their congressman and was given but still need more financial help aid. Gave them P350.00 for the oxygen because that is what they need at the moment. They still have medicines left for the child until Monday which we will help them. The antiobiotic used for these cases are 4th generations antiobiotic, that is why it is so expensive.
November 24, 2008
Checkout how expensive her antibiotics. One vials will last for approximately 3 days. She is already on this antibiotic for 6 days.
November 26, 2008
We made sure that they have enough medicine until our next visit. Gave them P1,000.00 (P400.00-ABG Laboratory, P600.00 oxygen).
P315.00 for Amikacin (above picture) plus 3 paracetamol ampules worth P90.00.
December 2, 2008
Patient's chest tube has been taken off already. Patient is showing very good progress and is responding very well to drugs.
Medication Provided:
1 PipTaz ---------- P1,600.00
7 Furosimide ------- P54.00
7 Dexamethasone -- P224.00
7 Ranitidine -------- P70.00
10 Salbutamol ------ P150.00
2 Oxygen Tank ------P700.00
Total: -----------------P2,798.00
December 5, 2008
Patient no longer needs oxygen inhalation. Patient can tolerate. Patient has been instructed already to drink 1 oz of milk and is really doing very good. Doctor just advice the folks to continue with the medication regimen.
1 Piptaz ------------ P1600.00
6 Dexmethasone ----P192.00
10 Salbutamol ------P110.00
4 Ranitidine --------P 40.00
Dextrose -----------P300.00
December 9, 2008
Please was already released from the hospital. Was not able to even say Good bye. Anyway, we will try to track down the patient because they did not have any cellphone number that they can give us.
Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here
Nov. 22, 2008
>> Oxygen ---- P350.00
Nov. 24, 2008
>> Medicine ----P3,549.00
Nov. 26, 2008
>>Medicine ---- P405.00
>>Oxygen ----- P600.00
>>ABG -------- P400.00
Dec. 2, 2008
>>Medications-- P2,798.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>>Medications--- P2,242.00
TOTAL: P10,344.00
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