"Londres" 6 month w/ UTI, Severe Dehydration & Status Post Colostomy
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Name: "Londres" (2 siblings)
Age: 6 Month Old
Sex: Male
Weight: 5 kg
Father's Occupation: Farm worker
Mother's Occupation: Housewife
Diagnosis: Urinary Tract Infection, Severe Dehydration & Status Post Colostomy
November 21, 2008
Baby "Londres" just got out the operating room. He was born without an openning in his anus. This was already his 3rd operations. The first operation was done when he was a week old.

Age: 6 Month Old
Sex: Male
Weight: 5 kg
Father's Occupation: Farm worker
Mother's Occupation: Housewife
Diagnosis: Urinary Tract Infection, Severe Dehydration & Status Post Colostomy
November 21, 2008
Baby "Londres" just got out the operating room. He was born without an openning in his anus. This was already his 3rd operations. The first operation was done when he was a week old.

November 22, 2008
Patient is going home tomorrow. Thank you Lord.
Medicine ------ 466.00
Total ----------P466.00
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