"Arelavo" - 1 Year Old w/ Pulmonary Tuberculosis & Bacterial Meningitis
Friday, November 21, 2008
Name: "Arelavo" (Youngest of 2 siblings)
Age: 1 Year Old
Weight: --
Sex: Female
Father's Occupation: Makes rubber pots for plants
Mother's Occupation: Housewife
Diagnosis: Pulmonary Tuberculosis w/ Bacterial Meningitis
November 22, 2008
Its one thing to see the pictures we have taken but its a whole different story if you are there to witness these children. Common characteristics of meningistis is increase intracranial pressure. Their personality changes, they go into a deep sleep.
Aside from PTB & Bacterial Meningitis, she also needs a blood transfusion. The parents told me that only half of the desired amount of blood was transfuse. It was because they did not have the money to pay the hospital for donation which is only P100.00. By donating P100.00, the hospital will let you borrow blood, then in the future, all you just need to do is replace it if you have someone who has the same blood type. Anyway, I gave them the P100.00.
Again please note that these medication that we bought them are only partial medications. We will check on them this Monday November 24, 2008.
November 24, 2008
Bought enough antibiotics good for our next visit. Also gave the mother P200 to buy BONA milk. The hospital provides the NGT feeding in the afternoon and evening. The milk will be used to feed her through NGT in the morning.
November 26, 2008
Doctor prescribed two ointments for the patient's ear. We visited the patient again to buy medicine good for our next visit which is Tuesday (December 2, 2008.
December 2, 2008
Patient is ready for discharge. We bought the stuff that was needed for their discharge plan. It includes Kids Kit for Tuberculosis, some antibiotics, Ener A vitamins. We paid their bill for the blood transfusion which was P700.00. We provided them with P300.00 for their fair back to Handumanan, Bacolod City.
December 5, 2008
We did not expect to still see them. We thought they had already left the hospital. Our patient had a fever so the doctor advice them to stay for a couple of days until the fever have subsided.
December 9, 2008
Patient already are out of the hospital. We have already bought their medicines that they will continue to take at home. We have also gotten their contact number so that we can follow up.
Do you want to know more about Bacterial Meningitis? Click here
Nov. 22, 2008
>>Medicine --- P730.00
>>Blood ------ P100.00
Nov. 24, 2008
>>Medicine --- P1,200.00
>>Milk -------- P 200.00
Nov. 26, 2008
>>Medicine --- P1,359.30
Dec. 2, 2008
>> Medicine ---P1,054.00
>> Blood --- P700.00
>> Fair ------- P300.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>>Bonna Milk -- P100.00
TOTAL: P5,743.30
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