"Denver" - 9 Years Old w/ Baterial Meningitis
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Name: "Denver" 2 siblings
Age: 9 Years Old
Weight: -
Father's Occupation: Paints Cars
Mother's Occupation: Separated
Address: Binalbagan
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis w/ Hydrocephalus
Age: 9 Years Old
Weight: -
Father's Occupation: Paints Cars
Mother's Occupation: Separated
Address: Binalbagan
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis w/ Hydrocephalus

December 5, 2008
This poor child had a mild stroke. He had a left side weakness or paresthesia and drooping of one side of the lips. Folks was still waiting for the results of the CT Scan.
Medicine Provided:
Paracetamol Liquid ------ P100.00
1 Bottle of Cefixime ------P225.00
December 9, 2008
Father decided to take his son out of the hospital. Father wants to consult a Quack Doctor instead.
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