"Richard" - 15 Years Old w/ Tetanus, Stage 2
Friday, December 5, 2008
Name: "Richard" Youngest of 5 siblings
Age: 15 Years Old
Father: Deceased
Mother's Occupation: Jobless
Diagnosis: Tetanus, Stage 2
Admitted: December 1, 2008
December 2, 2008

Needed Human tetanus immunoglobulin (HTIG). Family only have enough money to buy 250 mg of the immunoglobulin and 1000 mg was needed.
Medicines Provided:
3 packs of HTIG ------ P2,430.00
10 Benzul ------------ P60.00
O2 & Other Medicines P700.00
December 5, 2008
Medicines provided:
5 paracetamol Amplule ------ P75.00
1 Diazepam ------------------P200.00
Ultra sinc --------------------P600.00
Misc -------------------------P 500.00
December 9, 2008
We were told that the patient was doing really good the previous days. The patient was also on NPO, meaning that the he should not be fed nor even drink water because of the danger of being aspirated. What happen was the mother fed her child because she said that the child was complaining of being hungry. Few minutes pass after the mother fed the child, the child died. Possible cause is aspiration.
Dec. 2, 2008
>Medicines ----- P3,190.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>Medicines ------P1,375.00
TOTAL: P4,565.00
Age: 15 Years Old
Father: Deceased
Mother's Occupation: Jobless
Diagnosis: Tetanus, Stage 2
Admitted: December 1, 2008
December 2, 2008

Needed Human tetanus immunoglobulin (HTIG). Family only have enough money to buy 250 mg of the immunoglobulin and 1000 mg was needed.
Medicines Provided:
3 packs of HTIG ------ P2,430.00
10 Benzul ------------ P60.00
O2 & Other Medicines P700.00
December 5, 2008
Medicines provided:
5 paracetamol Amplule ------ P75.00
1 Diazepam ------------------P200.00
Ultra sinc --------------------P600.00
Misc -------------------------P 500.00
December 9, 2008
We were told that the patient was doing really good the previous days. The patient was also on NPO, meaning that the he should not be fed nor even drink water because of the danger of being aspirated. What happen was the mother fed her child because she said that the child was complaining of being hungry. Few minutes pass after the mother fed the child, the child died. Possible cause is aspiration.
Dec. 2, 2008
>Medicines ----- P3,190.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>Medicines ------P1,375.00
TOTAL: P4,565.00
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