Name: "Vanessa"
Age: 9 Years Old
Weight: -
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Tuberculosis
December 9, 2008
We bought medicines for tuberculosis. Again, we were not able to really go into the isolation room because we need an N95 mask which is the standard mask when dealing with PTB patient. We dont want to risk ourselves getting infected.
Rifampicin, Izoniazid, Pyranizamide -------------- P136.90
by Myk
Name: "Joemarie"
Age: 12 Years Old
Weight: -
Sex: Male
Diagnosis: Tuberculosis w/ Severe Infection
December 9, 2008
We were not able to interview the patient because they were in an isolation room. I needed an N95 mask inorder for me to not get infected.
1 Rifampicin ------------ P80.00
1 Isoniazid ---------------P16.90
1 Pyrazinamide ----------P 40.00
by Myk
Name: "Rudian"
Age: 9 months Old
Weight: -
Sex: Male
Diagnosis: Pneumonia w/ Bacterial Meningitis

December 5, 2008Patient was admitted November 29, 2008. Mother have no money and not a single medicine ordered by the doctor was bought.
5 Paracetamol ----------- P75.00
5 Salbutamol ------------ P55.00
1 Mannitol ---------------P185.00
4 Rannitidine ------------ P40.00
5 Ceftariaxone -------------P350.00
December 9, 2008Medicine Provided:
G 22 --------------------P70.00
Hep Lock ---------------P30.00
10 Salbutamol ----------P110.00
4 Ceftariaxone ---------P180.00
3 Paracetamol ----------P45.00
Subtotal: P435.00
by Myk
Name: "Denver" 2 siblings
Age: 9 Years Old
Weight: -
Father's Occupation: Paints Cars
Mother's Occupation: Separated
Address: Binalbagan
Diagnosis: Bacterial Meningitis w/ Hydrocephalus

December 5, 2008This poor child had a mild stroke. He had a left side weakness or paresthesia and drooping of one side of the lips. Folks was still waiting for the results of the CT Scan.
Medicine Provided:
Paracetamol Liquid ------ P100.00
1 Bottle of Cefixime ------P225.00
December 9, 2008Father decided to take his son out of the hospital. Father wants to consult a Quack Doctor instead.
by Myk
Name: "Richard" Youngest of 5 siblings
Age: 15 Years Old
Father: Deceased
Mother's Occupation: Jobless
Diagnosis: Tetanus, Stage 2
Admitted: December 1, 2008
December 2, 2008 

Needed Human tetanus immunoglobulin (HTIG). Family only have enough money to buy 250 mg of the immunoglobulin and 1000 mg was needed.
Medicines Provided:
3 packs of HTIG ------ P2,430.00
10 Benzul ------------ P60.00
O2 & Other Medicines P700.00
December 5, 2008Medicines provided:
5 paracetamol Amplule ------ P75.00
1 Diazepam ------------------P200.00
Ultra sinc --------------------P600.00
Misc -------------------------P 500.00
December 9, 2008We were told that the patient was doing really good the previous days. The patient was also on NPO, meaning that the he should not be fed nor even drink water because of the danger of being aspirated. What happen was the mother fed her child because she said that the child was complaining of being hungry. Few minutes pass after the mother fed the child, the child died. Possible cause is aspiration.
Dec. 2, 2008
>Medicines ----- P3,190.00
Dec. 5, 2008
>Medicines ------P1,375.00
TOTAL: P4,565.00
by Myk