"Princess & Queenie" - 1 month old Identical Twins with Severe Pneumonia
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Name: "Princess & Queenie"
Age: 1 Month Old
Weight: --
Sex: Females
Diagnosis: Severe Pneumonia
Father's Occupation: Karga Tapas (cuts down the sugar canes and carries it into the truck (25 y.o)
Mother's Occupation: Housewife (24 y.o)Address: Mountains of Victorias City
January 13, 2009
We selected these patients among others because they were so fragile at 1 month of age and at the same time, with a little assistance we can already make a big difference in their lives.
They arrive at the hospital around two in the afternoon. The parents havent eaten lunch yet and were so hungry. They have no money and so we gave them to buy food as well as medical supplies. It is important that they get treated right away because both the babies' mouth are turning blue because there were alot of secretions that needs to be suctioned so that the babies can breath without obstructions.
These pictures below were taken a few days after. They are recovering well and responding to medications.
Pictures of "Princess".

Pictures of Queenie. Had more complications compared to Princess who is recovering well. Both of them were on oxygen and iv theraphy.

We only spent P1,566 pesos which is equivalent to around $33 dollars because there were leftovers medicines from previous donations and we were able to use them.

They are now back at their homes in Victorias City.
We were not able to catch them when they left the hospital. They paid the hospital bills which is not much, only around P1,000+ pesos.
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